About Us

We’re a family of dreamers and adventurers. We love to try new things, say yes to unique experiences and help others along the way. Together we are RoadsSweetHome!

about AJ

Addison (aka AJ) is a midwest guy who is capable of anything. Growing up around real estate and construction made his handy skills second to none. In addition to being incredibly handy, he is extremely intelligent and looks at the world like a giant puzzle to be solved and for solutions to everything. 

He is our family’s rock and missed out on a lot of time with his kids as they were younger because he was out of the house working to provide so he really enjoys every second he gets with them now. He also enjoys exploring abandoned areas/buildings, spoiling his wife, naps, and eating.

Quick Facts

  • Favorite experiences/places so far
    • Niagara Falls
    • Exploring Carlsbad Caverns
    • Watching a meteor shower in Guadalupe National Park 
    • Hanging out with family
  • Thing/place most excited for
    • Hawaii
    • Ireland
    • NOLA
    • More country history stops

about Caity

You can usually find Caity, camera in hand, either on an adventure or planning the next one. Caity is the down to earth ring leader of the clan. But don’t let that fool you, she’s very fiery, loud, and passionate and can find excitement in even the dullest of moments. To Caity, every new person she meets is just a friend that hasn’t been introduced yet.  She will be the first one to cheer you on to your own goals and dreams and encourage you to reach higher than you ever thought possible. 

Quick Facts

  • Favorite experiences/places so far
    • Watching a meteor shower at Guadalupe NP
    • Surf lessons on South Padre
    • Harvest Host outside Cedar Rapids, IA
    • Boondocking at Port Aransas Beach
    • The Florida Keys
  • Things/places most excited for
    • Hawaii
    • Costa Rica
    • All things west coast
    • Learning to scuba dive
    • Too many things to name

about Alayna

Alayna is a sweet, rule following princess. She loves all things creative – singing, dancing, drawing, painting, or anything remotely related. She loves being a big sister and has awesome leadership skills. Alayna has one of the purest hearts of anyone and feels all feelings (good or bad) with her whole being, but especially love. 

Quick Facts

  • Favorite experiences/places so far
    • Going to the ocean beach
    • Meeting new friends
    • Earning junior ranger badges
    • Carlsbad and Acadia
    • The Florida Keys
  • Thing/place most excited for
    • More ocean beach
    • Hawaii

about Monroe

Monroe is a chaotic, positive kid. He has in is mind that he can do anything which will take him so far and often gets Mom and Dad close to a heart attack. He loves to play, explore outside, and snuggle with his Mommy. Most of the time you can find him covered in dirt while turning even the most mundane activities into an adventure that anyone can be included in. 

Quick Facts

  • Favorite experiences/places so far
    • Playing tag with my Dad at Sand Beach after my bedtime
    • Carlsbad and Acadia
    • The ocean beach
  • Thing/place most excited for:
    • A Cruise
    • Dry Tortugas NP
    • Yosemite NP
    • Hawaii
    • Theme Parks

about Frank

Frank is a blue Weimaraner who has the emotions of a human. He is riddled with anxiousness at any given moment and must be “velcroed” to people for comfort. He holds grudges when he gets in trouble and won’t even look at you until you tell him he is, in fact, a good boy. Frank loves all people and dogs/other animals, but is simultaneously scared of them. He also has really stinky, frequent gas which makes for rough travel days. 

Quick Facts

  • Favorite experiences
    • Being with my people
    • Cuddling with anyone
    • Smelling ALL the things
    • Naps
    • Being told I’m a “Good Boy”
    • Hiking with my family
  • Worst experiences
    • Being alone
    • Rain